Camper Wc Wash offers its customers a rest area design service.
When requested by the customer, our experience in the field makes it possible for us to recommend an installation plan for our equipment
that makes the best use of the layout of the target location, optimising space.
For customers who instead have an unfurnished area and want to develop a completely new camper service area, the Foschi & Nolletti firm of architects can design a new custom rest area.

The architects Foschi and Nolletti are established specialists in the field and can design areas of any type for any location.

These areas, equipped on the one hand with all the basic logistical features (manoeuvring space, security and green areas), on the other hand offer tailor-made
options for the customer to choose from. Any type of infrastructure – from recreational to luxury – can be integrated and customised according to the target users.

The company undertakes to provide accurate and precise information in this catalogue.
Technical data, photos and colors may vary. Please contact us for any request. As part of a policy of continuous product improvement, the company reserves the right to modify the specifications of the Camper WC Wash line products without prior notice.