In the early 2000s the camper service industry had not yet been invented. For those with campers, getting around and finding equipped rest areas was an adventure. The itineraries chosen necessarily had to include routes that crossed the few service areas that had a draining system, which in those years was a simple concrete manhole. Electricity wasn’t a service that was offered, and drinking water was bought at the shop. But as we know, RVers are freedom-loving adventurers and are not deterred by a lack of comfort.
Indeed, when put to the test they rise to the challenge: it was precisely a family of camper lovers that came up with the idea for Camper Wc Wash.

We’re talking about the Foschi family of Forlì – architects for generations – who between one stop and the next were thinking about developing a standardised line of equipment that could provide all the services required by campers. Specifically, the architect Dario Foschi was thinking not only about the drains and dump stations, but also about the columns that supply electricity and water. Dario knew exactly who could transform his project into reality. He turned to Fulvio De Carlo, who ran the Sela Cars company in Forlì with his father (who had been building and selling battery-powered baby cars all over the world since 1972), and who began to assemble his designs and test the first drains and columns.

It took two years to sound out the needs of the market and to fine-tune the equipment: the products had to be easy to install and use, because neither RVers nor rest area owners had ever seen anything like it.

The Camper Wc Wash brand was officially launched in 2002, and it was the first in Europe to offer a complete range of equipment specific for camper services. The launch was electrifying: in a short time orders tripled and started arriving from all over Europe. It was a sign that the market absolutely needed that kind of product.

In just a few years the drain became essential for every equipped rest and camper service area: the underground plate was made of steel, could be driven over, and avoided any contact with dirty surfaces because it was self-cleaning. Camper Wc Wash was able to anticipate market needs. From the outset it focused on shipping orders quickly and making installation easy: the command columns were designed to be lightweight and easy to handle, and the electrical and plumbing systems
used standard connections that could therefore be installed by anyone in any country using inexpensive parts that could be found anywhere. All that was needed was to lay simple electrical and water supply lines in order to provide the services. Upon request, Camper Wc Wash’s technical department offered advice on installations and how to optimise the available space. No products installed required special maintenance. 
From the beginning Camper Wc Wash made reliability and quality Made in Italy its strong points: its suppliers were all Italian and the electronics used were always top of the line.

The brand kept pace with evolving technologies and remained agile in adapting to a diversifying demand. While on the one hand it introduced digital technologies that facilitated access to services and made payment methods smarter, on the other it was attentive to the changing market and the constant increase in people choosing to spend their leisure time outdoors. Today’s motor caravanners are no longer those of the early 2000s:
they now have many different needs, tastes and ages, and their travels no longer follow standard routes but are rather guided by their desire to reach various tourist and leisure destinations.
That’s why the equipment provided by Camper Wc Wash can be found installed not only in service or rest areas of tourist sites, but also in holiday farms, resorts, shopping centres, sports facilities and attractions.

Local governments find the Camper Wc Wash brand to be a practical ally helping to maximise tourism in their local areas, as its equipment helps facilitate longer stays. Camper Wc Wash has been a supplier to Autostrade per l’Italia and major oil companies in Italy since 2008.

Camper Wc Wash provides its range of camper service equipment throughout Europe. Agents are available to provide any information needed and to assist customers all the way to installation and commissioning of the system.

Camper Wc Wash provides its range of camper service equipment throughout Europe. Agents are available to provide any information needed and to assist customers all the way to installation and commissioning of the system.

Camper Wc Wash is a brand of Sela Cars, the world’s leading manufacturer of battery-powered baby cars for more than 50 years. It is the supplier of the largest amusement parks and the most popular tourist locations for families. Camper Wc Wash products are CE certified.

Fulvio De Carlo CamperWCWash

Fulvio De Carlo


Vanessa Gramellini CamperWCWash

Vanessa Gramellini

Commercial Manager

Sara Gori CamperWCWash

Sara Gori

Supplier Purchasing

Iuri Donati CamperWCWash

Iuri Donati

Production / Assistance

Iuri Donati CamperWCWash

Lorenzo Broglia
