
The drain is one of the main products of the Camper Wc Wash system because it’s an indispensable element in any equipped camper van area. It
serves to dump all liquid substances (wastewater) that are produced by human activity.
Our drains are self-cleaning. They collect and convey grey water into the sewage system and the wide mesh grille with central drainage channel guarantees better cleaning of the surface hit by sewage. Finally, the nozzles allow the drain to be cleaned.
The drains are made entirely of AISI 304 steel: unlike concrete and fibreglass, this allows our drains to be very efficient because it’s a material that doesn’t absorb sewage, is resistant to acids and frost, and doesn’t degrade over time.
Our drains can even be installed in locations where temperatures drop below zero because the ICE heating system guarantees operation at low temperatures. The system consists of a thermostat-controlled heating cable that maintains the minimum efficient temperature and thus prevents the formation of ice and bursting of pipes.
The special structure of the drains also allows them to be driven over by even the heaviest vehicles because there’s no risk of damage or
All drains are managed by s-steel columns that can be customised with all kinds of options. Cleaning and washing are thus automated, and the user never comes into contact with any dirty surfaces.
The design of our drains is the result of decades of research that has enabled our company to excel in the camper service sector: the product is reliable, hygienic and performs in all conditions.
P-steel drains are available in four sizes and with various options, depending on the requirements of the facility.
The company has also recently made the drains available in a disassembled version: the customer takes care of the assembly, thereby reducing costs. In this case, the drains are available in 3 sizes and are delivered in a kit complete with everything needed for installation.
Available in various sizes to satisfy every type of customer:
Campsites, Agri Campers, Rest Areas, Agritourism, Agricultural Companies, Municipalities, Fuel Stations, Motorway AdS (Service Areas), Shopping Centres.